Archeologia a Napoli. Guide Turistiche e servizi per l'archeologia

Tour of Herculaneum

Visit the ruins guided by a professional archeologist.

Book with us and get lost in the past!

Ivan Varriale 
Archaeology in Naples project

“Book our exclusive private tours, led by professional archaeologists and tailored to your specific interests and needs. The most seductive secrets of the city frozen in time by the Volcano will be revealed to you!"

Ivan Varriale 
Archaeology in Naples project

Tours in Herculaneum

The extraordinary remains of the ancient Herculaneum are no less than an open door to a precise moment of the past. They show the Roman civilization with such abundance of details and degree of preservation of the organic materials  as to be considered unparalleled  throughout the world.

The uniqueness of the site is due to the catastrophic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD , that buried suddenly a city until then bursting with life, leaving it to posterity and immortalized the tragic death of its inhabitants. They seized the few possessions they could carry and tried to take shelter in vain in the storerooms on the seafront, where today are still preserved the sad remains.

The visit to the ancient Herculaneum gives the thrill of being in a refined Roman towns, unique from all points of view, including that of the history of the excavations that started in 1738 by the Bourbons , went through deep wells and narrow tunnels that still today we see the remains.

Visit to Pompeii and Herculaneum

A day of immersion in the past, to discover life of the cities buried by the Vesuvius in the 79.

Combining the visit of the two ancient cities you can have a complete sight on  the Roman society of the Bay of Naples.

The extension of Pompeii, a city of 66 hectares (163 acres), Will let you to get lost in the past walking along the narrow streets and crowded main streets, visiting the shops, factories and especially the houses, which are the mirror of a society unexpectedly complex and varied.

Thanks to the fascinating casts of the victims (the famous bodies of Pompeii), who photograph the last moments of life of the citizens of Pompeii, you will have the perception of the tragedy that struck the population who lived in the shade of the Vesuvius.

Herculaneum, small and opulent town overlooking the gulf - thanks to the incredible preservation of materials, such as wood, cloth, papyrus- you can perceive with exceptional level of detail the appearance of an ancient Roman city, that comes to life thanks to the stories told by the extraordinary epigraphic documentation that, thanks to the huge amount of public inscriptions, wooden tablets, papyri, is a unique source of information for the study of antiquity.

The excursion includes 3 hours of visit to Pompeii, following an itinerary that touches all aspects of daily life, focusing on the houses, characterized by an incredible state of conservation of the decorations (mosaics and paintings).

After a lunch break of 1 hour, you will visit the ancient Herculaneum (about 2 hours), where the tour will touch the entire Archaeological Park selecting the most characteristic examples, the exhibition area of the boat and the Antiquarium.


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